Heraeus recently launched 360, an online news brief for both dental and laboratory professionals. The monthly newsletter will deliver maximum information in brief snapshots of valuable news, covering a wide variety of resources. It is a 360- degree offering that includes value-based products and services designed to unlock new levels of productivity and profitability for readers.
"We’re all dealing with time pressures," explains Lee Ann Brady, DMD, a faculty member at Spear Education in Scottsdale, Arizona. "360 is great because it is written and designed with busy professionals in mind. In just 5 minutes, a reader can gain a key tool or takeaway that will help them to be more successful."
All individuals who sign up to receive 360 will be entered into a drawing for a free Apple iPad, valued at $399. To subscribe to 360, call 877-258-5937 or visit www.heraeusnews.com.