At the Heart of Digital Dentistry
The manufacturing world is increasingly turning to 3-dimensional (3D) printing in a search for meeting the requirement for higher pace time to market in today’s competitive marketplace. By answering all dental production challenges, dental laboratory owners can save costs and move more quickly into digital production.
Objet’s advanced PolyJet™ technology, featuring ultra-thin build layers, sets a new standard in 3D printing. High-speed, easy, and clean production of smooth-surfaced, fine-detailed models are available with the Objet Eden™ systems.
The Dental 3D System Award Winner
With its innovative approach to hardware, software, and polymer materials, Objet was the first company to successfully jet acrylic polymer material. Over the past few years, Objet has focused on continually improving its PolyJet technology in order to offer best-in-class 3D printing capabilities.
Objet’s patented jet-head technology was designed to propel the company’s proprietary dental material, VeroDent®, which is applied layer-by-layer onto a build tray until completion of the required model. The process produces fully cured models that can be handled and used immediately.
The PolyJet Process
The PolyJet jetting head slides back and forth along the x-axis, similar to a line printer, depositing a single, super-thin layer of polymer onto the build tray.
Immediately after building each layer, ultraviolet (UV) bulbs alongside the jetting bridge emit UV light—immediately curing and hardening each layer. This step eliminates the additional post curing required by other technologies.
Avi Cohen, head of medical solutions at Objet, further explains that the internal jetting tray moves down with extreme precision, and the jet heads continue building, layer-by-layer, until the model is complete. Sophisticated software tools enable all heads to work in perfect harmony with superb accuracy to synchronously jet identical amounts of materials on the tray. This results in a perfectly even and smooth surface.
Two different materials are used for building: one for the actual model (the VeroDental materials), and the other is a gel-like material for support. The geometry of the support structure is preprogrammed to cope with complicated geometries such as cavities, overhangs, undercuts, delicate features, and thin-walled sections.
Advanced Features
Objet’s exclusive focus is on polymer jetting, and the dental market drives this technology to ever-higher achievements in ultra-thin build layers, material properties, accuracy, speed, and ease-of-use. A few features of the Eden260V are listed below:
16-Micron Super-Thin Layers for Smooth Surfaces
Microscopic drops are jetted in super-thin layers of up to 16 microns (0.0006 inches). This results in ultra-smooth surfaces regardless of the geometric complexity of the model.
A combination of fine chemical development, precise mechanics and electronics, and advanced software features enables builds that fit very tight tolerances for the dental market.
Durable Models for the Dental Industry
An integral part of the PolyJet technology is the VeroDent material. This material offers excellent flexibility, impact strength, and stone model appearance. The material was tested and approved by leading dental companies and laboratories.
High-Speed Jetting
PolyJet technology uses a raster process to produce polymer models, enabling the machine to build in slices rather than point-by-point. Several models can therefore be created in the same amount of time it takes other technologies to produce a single model. The combination of a raster process with high-speed mechanical movement further reduces build times compared to alternative technologies.
Thin Walls for Unique Geometries
The high-precision jetting of the PolyJet technology enables super thin walls and die margin lines, depending on the geometry.
Clean and Easy Process
Objet’s 3D printing systems can be used in an office or laboratory-type facility, as the model and support materials are environmentally stable and are loaded in sealed cartridges with the VeroDent material fully cured (solidified) immediately after build. The PolyLog™ materials management system optimizes materials usage and alerts the user when cartridges should be replaced. Objet Studio™ Software is simple to use and intuitive, enabling virtually anyone to operate Objet systems efficiently.
Easy Support Removal on Any Geometry
Objet’s support and model materials are completely separated with a high-pressure WaterJet, resulting in clean, smooth surfaces. This process is fast and simple and allows the user to finish most parts within minutes. Fast jetting combined with easy support removal creates finished models to be ready for use in record time.
The manufacturer provided the preceding material. The statements and opinions contained therein are solely those of the manufacturer and not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dental Technology.
For more information, contact:
Objet Dental
Phone: 877-489-9449