Building composite materials onto large frameworks can be time-consuming, and a completely manual method can lead to internal voids and imperfections in the final prosthesis. The TENDER FLASK and ENA HEAT composite heater are two essential pieces of equipment used in the process of fabricating full-contour prostheses on frameworks using the ENA TENDER composite system. Implementing this equipment into your workflow will allow the technician to work up to three times faster while increasing overall quality.
The TENDER FLASK is a clear plexiglass flask that is used to press ENA TENDER composite onto a framework or substructure. The framework can be made of alloy or milled from titanium or zirconia. The TENDER FLASK comes with one main lower section and two upper sections of different heights that accommodate the case requirements—the choice of which one to use is made by the technician. Two internal dividers are also included to permit a more economical use of accessory materials used in the complete process.
Three wing nuts are used to seal the flask completely and create the necessary hydraulics for the composite to flow correctly. Because the flask is made of a clear material, the composite is cured when the flask is placed inside a light cure unit. Any standard visible light cure oven will do, and more powerful units will cure the material more quickly.
By way of overview, the technician can create two indexes made out of clear polyvinyl siloxane using the flask; one is the full-contour wax-up of the prostheses, and the other one is of the dentin cutback. These indexes are used when the dentin and enamel layers of composite are pressed successively onto the framework using the flask. The ENA HEAT heater is used to warm the composite before it is pressed into place. It accommodates both composite syringes as well as tips/compules. It has two heat settings—39° C and
55° C. The 39° C setting is ideal for softening composite for direct placement using instruments. The 55° C setting is used with the pressing technique.
When heated to 55° C, the composite has sufficient viscosity to flow completely into the voids and spaces of the indexes. The flask design and overall technique allow the composite to be pressed into place while eliminating the risk of internal voids.
Key Takeaways
Create full-contour composite on framework up to 3x faster
Ideal for implant-retained bars
Reduce risk of internal voids
Suitable for cast, titanium, and zirconia substructures
For more information, contact:
Synca Direct Inc.
P 888-582-8115
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