A Solution for Laboratories of All Sizes
Custom Milling Center (CMC) is a vertically integrated CAD/CAM milling center dedicated to partnering with dental laboratories to provide the finest restorative options, technical excellence, and unparalleled customer service. After investing over $1.5 million into expanding its facilities and adding additional equipment to increase production capacity, CMC is more capable than ever. Couple CMC’s capital investments with its consistent goal to act as a partner to dental laboratories, and you will find the result to be a fluid equation for perfect success.
Custom Milling Center’s wide-ranging and reliable capabilities allow it to supply laboratories with a competitive edge. CMC does not finish the restoration, retaining the dental laboratory as an integral part of the process of finishing the esthetic prosthetic. At the bottom of it all, CMC wants to help laboratories reduce their costs while affording them the ability to provide their doctors with the most up-to-date products and services.
CMC Benefits Small Laboratories
The capital investments involved in procuring the necessities to mill quality in-house restorations add up quickly. Often the new in-house capabilities do not yield enough payback to produce efficient returns on investments. CMC has already made those investments and is ready to offer laboratories their benefits.
Laboratory owners need to stay relevant in the constantly evolving market, and, quite simply, the most efficient way to do so is to establish a partnership with the right milling center. In order to stay competitive in a market being ferociously dominated by CAD/CAM fabrication, it is more feasible to outsource rigorous mechanical work to a milling center than to tie up large amounts of capital in new technology that can too quickly become outdated or obsolete. Outsourcing milling can increase efficiencies in laboratories by allowing them to focus on the final and crucial tasks of finishing the prosthetics esthetically. CMC can free up valuable laboratory time and money that would have otherwise been spent on milling the restoration.
CMC enables smaller to mid-size laboratories to stay competitive in the market by allowing them to offer the same vast range of products as laboratories with in-house milling capability. When a laboratory purchases an open architecture scanner such as 3Shape or Dental Wings, it allows the laboratory to stay competitive because CMC is able to offer faster turntimes, preferred per unit pricing, and no out bound shipping costs. Additionally, CMC assists laboratories with their value add design services and wider range of product offerings such as custom abutments and bars, that few other laboratories are able to offer due to the time and expense associated with their fabrication. Just because a laboratory does not have the necessary milling equipment in-house does not mean that it cannot offer all the same products as laboratories with in-house milling capabilities. CMC has all of the latest and most dependable scanners, milling, and communication systems located in-house.
By partnering with CMC, a laboratory has valuable access to the industry’s leading-edge technology, which allows that laboratory to offer its doctors the widest range of restorations. If a laboratory has not made the transition to CAD, rest assured that Custom Milling Center still accepts traditional models. If a laboratory partners with CMC to purchase an open-architecture 3Shape Scanner, the milling center will make certain the laboratory is capable of employing the scanner’s full functionality with a 2.5-day training period onsite at CMC. Scanner owners will always have technical assistance from the CMC team and will be able to enjoy preferred per-unit pricing on their restorations.
An additional benefit of CMC’s 3Shape open-architecture scanner is that laboratories can partner with CMC without becoming contractually obligated. In a show of confidence and assurance of quality service, CMC enables its scanner purchasers to send their STL files to any milling center. “We are confident that they won’t want to,” says Bob Miller, CDT, and founder of Custom Milling Center. “We will always provide our clients with the absolute best in the market.”
CMC Benefits Large Laboratories
It is part of their mantra—they mill what the mini mills cannot. Many large dental laboratories with in-house milling capabilities still do not have the proper equipment or necessary personnel to fabricate custom-milled abutments and bars. Custom Milling can assist those larger laboratories because they have invested in the necessary industrial CNC equipment that takes the form of a five-ton footprint for machining the highest level of accuracy and precision. These systems provide the tolerances necessary for their precision-milled dental bars and custom abutments. Combined with CMC’s advanced milling and tool path designs, the company is able to fabricate the best-fitting restorations in the marketplace today.
CMC began to offer custom milled bars when they identified the need in the market place for a more cost-effective alternative. In an effort to offer even more versatility, the abutments that CMC crafts, available in titanium or Pearl® Zirconia, are ready to use with the industry’s most popular implant manufacturers. Outsourcing to Custom Milling Center is especially valuable to larger laboratories when they have mechanical malfunctions with their mills or when production backlogs must be mitigated.
CMC Helps Everyone Modernize
Custom Milling Center’s ultimate goal, however, is to help all laboratories succeed, no matter the size. The CMC Design Center can make time spent as a laboratory owner easier by reducing the amount of labor performed in-house. The experienced team of CAD/CAM specialists at CMC will design the restorative option of your choice. In order to benefit as many laboratories as possible, Custom Milling has the ability to provide printed models, which is a very important solution for the digital supply chain. As digital impression scanners continue to become exceedingly popular, the need for printed models will be an important step in the process.
Custom Milling Center
P 877-933-6455
W www.custom-milling.com
E info@custom-milling.com