August 1. If you take a look at this date historically, the timeline of important events, deaths, and births doesn’t reveal August 1 as a particularly momentous day in history unless, of course, you are a devout history buff. For example, August 1, 1790 marked the first US Census results. It was recorded that nearly 4 million inhabitants were living in the US, of which close to a third were slaves. Colorado became the 38th state on August 1, 1876. And for you sports fans, Babe Ruth hit home run number 42 on this date in 1928, four weeks ahead of his 1927 home run pace, but, alas, ended the season short of his record-breaking 60 home runs the prior season.
So what makes August 1 significant in the year 2013? It marks the first day that online registration will be made available for Collaboration 2013 attendees to sign up for NBC and ADA accredited education courses via the Greater New York Dental Meeting web portal ( There are several reasons to get a jumpstart on what appears to be a very early registration process. First, all courses presented by Collabration 2013 are limited attendance and take place in one of two venues on the showroom floor. There is the classroom, which will accommodate 100-150 attendees per educational session, and the Digital Dentistry glassed-in venue, which only holds 42 attendees per session. The second compelling reason for early registration is that none of these courses will be presented a second time during the four-day event. If you fail to register for a course that holds particular interest and discover that it is full, it is a missed opportunity. Third, all of the Collaboration presentations will be offered equally to dentists attending the Greater New York event and those offering ADA CE accreditation will be of particular interest. With seating limited and registration open to a much broader audience, there is the possibility these courses will fill up very quickly.
To determine which Collaboration 2013 courses are of highest, and to keep abreast of new courses as they are added, go to Although on-site registration for the event courses will be available throughout the four days, it may be prudent to secure your seat in desired courses ahead of time. As the registration process begins, we will keep you apprised of course seating availability.
Keep in mind that in order to register for any course, you must first register online as an attendee of the Greater New York/Collaboration meeting. It is a fairly easy, straightforward process that can be accomplished again through the Greater New York Dental Meeting web site. Be sure to indicate you will be attending the Collaboration event.
IDT is excited to bring this industry an historic first—a dental technology exhibition and educational conference held in conjunction and in parity with a clinical meeting. It may not make the annals of recorded world history, but it will make its mark on the history of this industry and will hopefully set precedence for dental team education in the future.
Pam Johnson