Superb Results in a Short Time
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As every technician knows, most porcelain stains and glazes are less than forgiving. Often the stains are clumpy and difficult to apply in a smooth even layer, resulting in blotches and white spots. The downside to this is obvious. In one-technician laboratories—like the author’s—this means the technician must devote a significant portion of time to completing the stain and glaze process to ensure that the finished restoration meets his or her high-esthetic standards. For a multiple-technician laboratory, it means that only the most talented and experienced technicians can stain and glaze a restoration. However, with the InSync FC stain and glaze system from Jensen Dental, even an inexperienced technician can achieve beautiful results quickly and easily.
The InSync FC stain and glaze system (Figure 1) is specifically designed for Lava™ Plus High Translucency and Jensen HT Zirconia. This system offers an efficient and reliable method for shading, staining, and glazing full-contour restorations, allowing technicians to produce beautiful results simply and predictably, every time. The system includes 15 fluorescent stain pastes, delivering all VITA® Classical Shade Guide A1-D4 shades with high light transmittance. The simple, one-coat application eliminates puddling and streaking, giving technicians the ability to create clear, high-luster results after just one firing.
In the case presented, the author used the Preciso M200 mill to fabricate a zirconia restoration as a replacement for tooth No. 3. The five simple steps used to perform a quick and easy stain and glaze are noted below.
Step One
Before application, thoroughly mix the stain and load the brush (Figure 2). The key is to get a fair amount of the InSync stain material on the brush in order to apply a smooth and even layer onto the gingival third of the crown. Once the brush is loaded, the technician can apply the InSync stains with a thin wash to enhance the natural shade of the restoration. This adds warmth and depth to the restoration. After this step, add a small amount of stain in the deep areas of the central disectional groove and smooth it out (Figure 3). The author recommends applying the stain with a small sable hairbrush. The natural hair of the brush picks up stain and applies it more evenly than a synthetic brush. Although the simple application process with the InSync stains is quick and easy, technicians can still achieve the illusion of depth and natural warmth.
Step Two
Apply the occlusal stain (Figure 4). While this occlusal stain is not included in the InSync FC stain and glaze kit, it is an enhancement that some clinicians and technicians prefer (including the author). A small amount of the occlusal stain goes a long way, as it easily imitates the natural staining that teeth acquire in the mouth. Because this is a delicate application, the author recommends using an endodonic file (Figure 5). A dental tool you can order from a supplier or obtain from your clinician, endodonic files are most often used for root canals. However, for dental technicians, they can be used to apply stain in situations where the restoration needs a finer touch than can be accomplished with a brush. First, the technician mixes the occlusal stain to a smooth consistency. Next, the technician should put a small amount of occlusal stain on the tip of the endodonic file and gently draw it into the restoration’s secondary anatomy. Whether to take this optional step is up to the technician, but it is something he or she can do to make the restoration appear even more like a natural tooth.
Step Three
Once there is a thin, even wash on the ginigival third of the restoration (Figure 6) it is ready for firing. The restoration is placed on a honeycomb tray and loaded into the furnace. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations of an entry time of four minutes, the load temperature should be 620ºC. The vacuum should start at 620ºC, the heat rate should be 45ºC per minute, the high temperature should be 76ºC, and lastly, the hold time should be one minute. After the firing is completed, the restoration should exhibit depth of color on the occlusal surface (Figure 7). In addition, the restoration will have a slight glazed look to areas where the stain was applied both occlusally and on the axial surfaces (Figure 8).
Step Four
After application of the stains, the technician can glaze the restoration (Figure 9). First, the technician needs to stir the glaze to a smooth consistency (Figure 10). Then the technician can apply the glaze in the same way he or she applied the stain—in a smooth, even layer almost like the application of nail polish (Figure 11). To avoid a second firing, double check for areas missing coverage (Figure 12).
Step Five
Now the restoration is ready for the final firing, and the technician can follow the manufacturer’s recommendations noted in step three (Figure 13). After firing, the restoration should exhibit a nice smooth sheen with no dull spots. All of the details—especially the nice warmth at the gingival third and the look of enamel on the upper third—will be visible, giving the crown the appearance of a natural tooth. Shade verification shows an accurate match (Figure 14).
As seen, the actual hands-on labor for Jensen’s InSync stain and glaze process only takes a matter of minutes. One of the author’s favorite qualities of the InSync stains is that they have fluorescent qualities, just like natural teeth. The system was specifically designed for Lava™ Plus and Jensen HT Zirconia and delivers exceptional esthetics in an easy to use, cost-effective manner. With InSync stain and glaze, even new technicians can get superb results in a very short amount of time.
William T. Zanin is the owner of The Cusp of of Integrity in Wallingford, CT.
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Jensen Dental
P 800-243-2000
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