Educational sessions for the Collaboration 2013 event are beginning to fill up! Because Collaboration is being held in conjunction with the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM), it is quite different than the tradeshows to which the dental technology community is accustomed.
First of all, technicians are competing with nearly 18,000 dentists for seating in the Collaboration limited-attendance educational sessions. Currently, these dentists are registering at a 3-to-1 ratio for Collaboration team-focused and workshop courses because of their high interest in the sessions and because all are free-of-charge.
Second, in order to register for a course, you must first register as an attendee of the Greater New York Dental Meeting. It is a two-step process: Register with the Greater New York Dental Meeting and then register for the educational sessions of interest. That means for those of you who have registered with the GNYDM and received your confirmation bar code credentials but have not yet registered for CE accredited education, the chances of walking in the day of the show to sign up for courses will likely not be an option. Most courses, if not all, will already be filled.If you are planning on attending but have not registered with the GNYDM, I urge you to do so. The registration lines for the show and for courses each day are daunting (yes, dentists are also procrastinators!) and all Collaboration morning courses begin at 9:45 a.m., just 15 minutes after the doors to the Jacob K. Javits Center open. If there is a morning session you want to attend but you have neither registered with the GNYDM nor for the course, the chances of completing the registration process for the meeting and for that educational sessions plus making it to the Collaboration classroom by 9:45 are next to nil.
Third, the Collaboration classroom, workshop, and remote classroom hold only 100, 42, and 50 attendees respectively. Even though there are two or more classes taking place simultaneously during the day, the limited capacity of the three educational venues narrows the chances that every attendee will be able to obtain admittance into all desired educational courses. Don’t miss an opportunity to learn from some of the most knowledgeable and respected technical and clinical professionals in the dental industry.
This large exhibition and educational event is the first of its kind for the dental technology profession. Not only will Collaboration provide you with the opportunity to learn side-by-side with your clinical counterparts, but more than 60 dental technology-focused vendors will also be exhibiting their latest innovations and putting on demonstrations at their booths.
Don’t hesitate! Register now!
For those already registered for the GNYDM, register for courses by visiting
For those who are not yet registered for the GNYDM, register now at
Pam Johnson