Limitless Personalized Service
Inside Dental Technology delivers updates on digital workflows, materials, lab techniques, and innovation in dental technology through expert articles and videos.
Often the impersonal culture of a corporate structure causes customers to seek a more nurturing business environment where their concerns and needs are perceived to be more valuable. That was certainly the goal of the core group of dentists who followed Evan Krouse and Lawrence Johnson when they opened the doors of Yes! Dental Laboratory Inc. in Tarrytown, NY. It was July 2008, just months before the economic meltdown, when the two left Americus Dental Lab of New York and established a business culture and state-of-the-art full-service laboratory committed to personalized service and topline quality. Krouse and Johnson brought together nationally recognized master ceramists and a team of skilled technicians with more than 200 years combined experience. Once the team was established, Krouse and Johnson set out to purchase the best technology and materials the market offered, providing their staff with the necessary tools for achieving the highest level of accuracy, consistency, and esthetics for their clients. With Krouse’s extensive experience and degree in sales and marketing, and Johnson’s international recognition as one of the leading implant technicians in the field, the two have cultivated a loyal customer base coast-to-coast and have increased their staff to 30 people.
Key staff members are proactive with customers, calling new clients to introduce themselves and to ask about specific case preferences. This engages the dentist in the laboratory’s consultative environment, thus better ensuring a successful case outcome. “We build knowledge-based relationships with our clients to where they ask us for advice on the restorative materials most appropriate for a case,” says Johnson. “Now when I suggest a particular material, they know it’s because I believe the material is the best choice for that particular case.” Once the case is delivered, they follow up with the clients to make sure they received exactly what they wanted.
Six years ago, a large majority of the crown and bridgework produced at Yes! Dental Laboratory was metal-based. Today, those percentages are up-ended, and 80% of the work now moving through their laboratory is all-ceramic. The rapid switchover came with the volatile metals market and the adoption of zirconia as a viable replacement for metal for achieving equal durability and esthetics. Early on, Krouse and Johnson made the business decision to outsource the milled zirconia frameworks, but after six months decided that bringing the milling in-house made more sense financially and provided more control over turn-around time and quality. “We began researching the different CAD/CAM systems on the market,” describes Krouse. “Jason Gleason, our Product Specialist, has a solid understanding and working knowledge of the different systems on the market.” What they wanted was a system with intuitive CAD software that didn’t require a huge learning curve and a system that was not only open-architecture but backed by a manufacturer committed to keeping pace with changes in the industry. It wasn’t until they were approached by Amann Girrbach did they find a system that offered the completely open platform they were seeking. “We wanted a system that would allow integration of scanners from other manufacturers and accept scans from any digital impression system our clients were using,” says Gleason. “With the Amann Girrbach system there are no limitations on where you can send files or what can be integrated into the system.” The CAD user interface was also much more intuitive, and followed the technical workflow processes much better than other systems on the market.
Yes! Dental Laboratory was the first laboratory in the US to purchase the Amann Girrbach Ceramill CAD/CAM system. They now own two; the second—the Ceramill Motion 2 mill— is capable of milling in both wet and dry modes. “We mill our zirconia copings and frameworks, wax copings for casting, IPS e.max® CAD, as well as full-contour products,” says Krouse. Amann Girrbach’s new millable Sintron chrome cobalt material has opened up a new revenue source for the laboratory. “We really have not had demand for non-precious from our existing customer base,” says Krouse. “But since we can now easily mill the material and there is very little labor involved to deliver the finished product, we have been marketing to local dentists in the area who are more price sensitive and working out an attractive price package for them.” The laboratory is also offering milling services to local laboratories for zirconia copings and bridges. In the future, says Krouse, Amann Girrbach will have a millable material and CAD module for denture products, including full dentures and partial denture frameworks.
In a business environment where technology has eliminated the competitive advantage of consistency and accuracy within product lines, Krouse and Johnson differentiate their business by the personalized and consultative services they offer. “Using this technology, any laboratory has the capability of producing a highly accurate and consistent product,” says Krouse. “Our customers know that if they have a question they don’t have to talk to a customer service representative. One of us will be available to talk them through the problem. Today it is all about the customer service and making your clients happy with your deliverables.”
Disclaimer: The preceding material was provided by the manufacturer. The statements and opinions contained therein are solely those of the manufacturer and not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dental Technology.
Ceramill Sintron®
Amann Girrbach’s Ceramill Sintron® is revolutionizing non-precious restorations. With this “wax-like” chrome cobalt, technicians can fabricate non-precious crowns and bridges using Ceramill’s Motion 2 desktop mill, and then bring them to their final state in the Ceramill Argotherm® sintering furnace. Ceramill Sintron makes the fabrication of non-precious metal restorations easier, more convenient, and more predictable than ever before, eliminating the need for conventional non-precious metal casting processes for crowns and bridges.
For more information, contact:
Amann Girrbach America
P 877-960-4393