Superior Esthetics with Top-of-the-Line Materials
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An industry leader that offers integrated solutions for the dental laboratory, Zahn Dental prides itself on being able to provide customers with cost-effective, innovative products, breakthrough technologies, and value-added services. Zahn Dental understands the challenges inherent in different types of dentistry, and the company has worked to develop products that not only meet, but exceed their customers’ expectations. In the cosmetic dentistry arena, that product is Zirlux® FC2. Zirlux FC2 is a versatile, translucent, and exceedingly strong zirconia ideal for esthetic anterior and posterior restorations. Zirlux truly offers Zahn’s customers a single system for creating superior esthetic solutions.
Zahn’s Zirlux® universal system is a complete all-ceramic system, offering dental technicians an efficient and versatile method for producing translucent monolithic zirconia, traditional layered zirconia, or pressed to zirconia restorations. Zirlux is a high strength, highly esthetic alternative to PFM that offers patients strength without sacrificing esthetics.
Zirlux Benefits:
• Flexural strength > 1100 MPA
• Esthetic alternative to metal
• Conservative and feather edge margins acceptable
• Five unique pre-shaded zirconia discs
Zirlux® FC2
Zirlux® FC2 is a universal pre-shaded zirconia disc or block that comes in various size thicknesses to fit most milling systems on the market. Available in 5 different shades, Zirlux FC2 can be used for every all-ceramic indication, from copings to full contour restorations, while providing the esthetics and strength you demand. Zirlux FC2’s warm, natural, translucent characteristics eliminate the unpredictability that arises when using hazardous coloring liquids to achieve the desired shade. Paired with the Zirlux FC2 Characterization Kit for full contour staining and glazing or Zirlux LC for traditional layering.
Zirlux® ST1
Zirlux® ST1 is a highly translucent, strong and esthetic zirconia material that can be milled for full contour anterior and posterior crowns, bridges, frameworks and inlays. Zirlux ST1 is available in multiple sizes and thicknesses, making it an ideal choice for various milling machines, laboratories, and milling centers. Simple staining and short drying time is all that is needed to create the perfect color for your final restorations.
Zirlux® LC
Zirlux® LC porcelain is a lower firing feldspathic/leucite glass ceramic with exceptional handling characteristics. Indicated for use on all zirconia frameworks with a CTE of (10–11) x 10-6/°C, this versatile system includes a full complement of layering ceramics and 12 shades of Translucent Pressable Pellets. This gives the technician the option of using an efficient press to zirconia technique indicated for inlays, onlays, and veneers, as well as traditional layering. This system also allows the ceramist to coordinate shading, fluorescence, and opalescence to facilitate the fabrication of superior esthetic multi-unit cases regardless of technique.
• Zirlux LC Translucent Pellets: Stain & Glaze
• Zirlux LC Press Incisal: Cutback and Layering or Press to Full Contour & Stain & Glaze
• Zirlux LC Porcelain Powders: Layering Technique