CMC Offers Next-Generation Material Choices to Laboratory Partners
Custom Milling Center (CMC) may have a new leadership team in place, but its goals are familiar to every one of its laboratory partners: leveraging its close partnership with leading digital equipment and materials distributor Zahn Dental. Ryan Faufau and Tonya Hampshire will stay the course to make it the go-to resource for all digital and production services.
“Although in name we are Custom Milling Center, we have evolved today into a technology center that strives to provide laboratories with services that fit every dental laboratory’s needs by providing them access to the next generation of materials and technology capabilities,” says Faufau, Director of Production and Technology.
Whether laboratories need complete design and milling service solutions or help with work overload, CMC can step in to keep production on track. Hampshire, CMC’s Director of Sales and Marketing, adds, “We are a solutions provider that partners with our customers to keep them competitive in the market.”
Faufau and Hampshire ascended to their respective positions this year when Hampshire’s father, Bob Miller, CDT, retired as President. Faufau leads CMC’s day-to-day operations, while Hampshire is responsible for all the sales and marketing activity.
“We are always keeping a close eye on trends in the industry to ensure CMC stays on the leading edge of digital solutions for our customers,” Hampshire says.
That knowledge is put to work to ensure that CMC remains the most robust solutions provider in the industry. As a vertically integrated service provider, CMC offers CAD design, stain and glaze services, custom milled abutments and bars, printed models and full anatomical wax-ups, and ongoing education and support.
“CMC developed its reputation based on offering more products than other milling centers do, and providing the customer service and technical support to back it up,” Faufau says.
In keeping with that theme, they also offer the widest variety of materials. Working with Zahn Dental, which has added products such as BruxZir and KATANA to its portfolio recently, helps in that regard.
“The driver behind millable materials will continue to be the new monolithic materials that are being developed,” says Faufau. “The pre-shaded materials that Zahn offers such as the BruxZir Anterior as well as Noritake’s Super and Ultra translucent zirconia and Zirlux FC 2 all offer higher translucency and esthetics.” Faufau says. “Anything that is new and innovative that can help laboratories stay competitive and increase capacity while reducing overhead is important to us. Laboratories working with CMC will never feel limited in their material choice.”
To that end, CMC now offers a screw-retained option utilizing Noritake’s multilayered zirconia. “We can take advantage of the strength and esthetics of the material,” says Faufau, “and the multilayered nature of the zirconia offers a transitional blend from the gingival to the incisal edge.”
Implant custom abutments and implant bars also have been trending upward, according to Hampshire. “We offer a 7-year warranty on our milled custom abutments, which puts our customers and their clinicians at ease. Our turnaround time is quick, and we have one of the largest selections of platforms, including compatibility with all of the major implant manufactures.”
Faufau says CMC does not push one particular material for all cases. There is a conversation with the laboratory about which characteristics are most important for each particular case, and the material selection is made based on that.
“If we have a new customer who sees the array of different full-contour products that CMC offers,” Hampshire says, “we ask what they are looking for, what their needs are, what they are comfortable with, and we give them all of the different features of the full-contour products that we offer. We feel a strong feature of Custom Milling Center is that it’s all materials all the time.”
As new technology arrives, more opportunities materialize for CMC to offer more services to laboratories.
“Our vision of the industry moving forward, obviously, is technology based,” Faufau says. “I think in the near future, we will see more printable materials that can print faster. So the focus for the laboratory in the future is going to be either owning the equipment or outsourcing the product to a center like CMC, where CMC takes care of the overhead, production, and staffing.”
Hampshire agrees, “The industry is changing so quickly that it’s difficult to guess what your laboratory’s needs will be in a few years,” she says. “Partnering with CMC lets you focus on serving your doctors instead of managing capital expenditures.”
BruxZir Anterior
BruxZir® Anterior, the latest advancement in the BruxZir Solid Zirconia product line, is a highly esthetic zirconia designed specifically to satisfy the esthetic and functional requirements of the anterior region of the mouth. BruxZir Anterior is kind to natural opposing dentition and requires less reduction than monolithic glass ceramic restorations. Dental laboratories now have an esthetic solution for anterior cases without sacrificing strength with BruxZir Anterior.
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Custom Milling Center