Shofu’s Veracia SA Teeth and the Q3 Pack: Quality Teeth Innovatively Designed for Quick, Precise Setups
By Jim Collis CDT
Collis Prosthodontic Laboratory
Mount Prospect, IL
Key Takeaways
• Veracia SA teeth have great esthetics, durability, and exceptional bonding strength with the denture base
• The Q3 Pack consists of four individual posterior teeth set into an occlusal template available for each arch to satisfy different setup preferences
• The Q3 Pack is set into an ideal 20° Curve of Spee and Wilson but can be adjusted to accommodate other occlusal schemes
• Veracia SA teeth with the Q3 Pack can be precisely set in about half the normal setup time
At Collis Prosthodontic Laboratory, the focus has always been on delivering a high-quality product while maintaining profitability for the laboratory. For removable cases, the introduction of Shofu's Veracia SA (semi-anatomical) tooth line with its associated Q3 Pack was exciting. This tooth placement system allows technicians to complete a precise setup in about half of the normal setup time. Obviously, saving bench time is an important factor in maintaining profitability.
The Veracia SA teeth are manufactured using a homogenous, micro-filled composite reinforced with layered glass. The composition gives the denture teeth great esthetics and durability as well as exceptional bonding strength with the denture base. The timesaving innovation of the Q3 Pack is the Quick Quality Quadrant. It consists of four individual posterior teeth set into an occlusal template for each side of the arch. This innovation allows quick and precise setup of an entire arch in one step.
The Q3 Pack is available for each posterior arch (upper or lower) to accommodate each technician's method of setting teeth. After I set the upper and lower anterior teeth from Veracia SA standard 1x6 cards, I typically use a Q3 Pack to set each side of the posterior lower arch. Each lower Q3 template is placed and then released by simply pressing down on the lingual of the templates. Then I set the posterior teeth of the upper arch using a standard 1x8 card. The opposing teeth drop right into place because the teeth from the Q3 Pack are set to an ideal 20° Curve of Spee and Curve of Wilson. The Q3 Pack can also be used for other occlusal schemes by merely adjusting the inside ends of the template up or down by 1 mm during setup to either increase or decrease the Curve of Wilson. Another advantage of the Q3 Pack is that the teeth in the template are all separate so that any tooth can be individually rotated or moved for esthetic reasons, if necessary, once the template is removed.
These teeth are easy to set in half the time with consistently precise results, even for the less experienced technician. The feedback received back from dentists and their patients is that the denture teeth look great in the mouth. The teeth also provide great functionality because the abrasion zones of the posterior teeth are already pre-milled to afford better mastication.
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Manufacturer Information
Shofu Dental Corporation