Luminesse ATV Offers Premium Esthetics Efficiently
Expertec Dental Laboratory serves high-end dentists in our home state of Michigan as well as customers based all around the country. We have earned a reputation for producing exceptional cosmetic restorations, especially for anterior cases. In fact, several of our clients’ patients have won pageants with smiles that we helped create. Although we are a large laboratory with approximately 50 employees, our staff works very hard to maintain that small-laboratory, highly personalized relationship with each of our clients.
With our emphasis on producing the highest level of esthetics, 91% of our restorations are metal-free, and as a member of the Technical Research Consortium (TEREC) group of dental laboratories, we devote a significant amount of resources to staying abreast of the latest material advances on the market. This recently led us to work with Talladium on developing its new Luminesse ATV anterior zirconia, a material that challenges the current generation of all-ceramic anterior materials on the market for the high-level strength and esthetics achieved in fabricating our single-unit anterior crowns and 3-unit bridges.
Luminesse ATV is a value-based zirconia. It comes in only six value shades but allows a technician to achieve all 16 VITA classic shades. We have observed that milled Luminesse ATV restorations are virtually indistinguishable from lithium disilicate restorations esthetically, and the material is stronger at 750 MPa as well as more cost efficient to produce.
As a technician with a sharp eye for color, I’ve observed that the ATV value-based system yields better incisal shading, which creates more vitality in the crown. It also saves time on the bench because the technician only needs to stain limited amounts of chroma and minimal incisal highlights. Our dentists trust us to recommend the best restorative materials for their cases, and several have been particularly surprised at how beautiful the Luminesse ATV restorations are.
As a business owner, I am also always looking for manufacturing and production cost-saving efficiencies. This material has demonstrated that it is easier to mill, and does not require utilizing a wet mill and/or investing and pressing. Another advantage of the Luminesse ATV is that green state coloring is unnecessary, reducing shade inconsistencies, labor, and material costs. In addition, the value-based shade system allows us to carry less inventory, maximizes the production efficiencies of our milling machines, and requires less labor for machine operation, because we do not need to have 16 shaded pucks being milled at all times.
During the development of this material, Talladium continues to be a supportive and helpful partner for our laboratory. The company formed the Talladium Key Opinion Group, consisting of our laboratory and fellow members of the TEREC group, and our feedback is acted upon quickly when necessary. Talladium also carries the Mastermill line of milling machines and furnaces and is one of the only authorized Level 2 service centers for VHF mills, so the company is able to help with milling and sintering strategies, which are important to achieving a successful outcome.
Because of these various factors, Luminesse ATV zirconia is my choice for single-unit restorations and 3-unit bridges in the anterior. It provides the highest level of esthetics while offering all-around savings for the laboratory.
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions contained in the preceding material are not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dental Technology.
About the Author
By George Alioto, CDT
Expertec Dental Laboratory, Inc.
Westland, MI
Key Takeaways
• Material designed for anterior single-unit crowns and 3-unit bridges
• Indistinguishable visibly from lithium disilicate restorations but stronger and easier to fabricate
• Requires less inventory to be kept in the laboratory and allows for more efficient milling
Manufacturer Information