Straumann® n!ce® Offers Esthetics, Efficiency
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Straumann® n!ce® is a proprietary glass-ceramic material for crowns, partial crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, and CARES® ZrO2 and Ti Abutments. Straumann n!ce can be milled through Straumann’s centralized milling facility, CEREC® Milling, or Straumann M Series (coming soon).
n!ce does not require any post-mill sintering and can be ground, polished, and seated immediately. n!ce is available in six LT and HT shades, corresponding to the VITA classical Shade Guide.
In Focus
For single-tooth restorations and CARES ZrO2 and Ti Abutments
•Does not require any post-mill sintering and can be ground, polished, and seated immediately, saving time and money
•Available in six LT and six HT shades (A1, A2, A3, B2, B4, and C2), matching the VITA classical Shade Guide