Appealing to the Artist in the Technician
By Deona Grobler-Murray
lay:art Trays
Every ceramist needs a bit of daily inspiration for creating beautiful and natural restorations, and Renfert’s lay:art range gives us just that. It combines beautiful design with such clever functionality that it turns even the mundane into something special—with options for every requirement and taste.
Personally, I love the lay:art crystal aqua. Wetting of ceramic using the foam moistening strips is simplified through its uniform capillary effect. The tray is easy to keep clean as the strips are resistant to the formation of mold. It is also very practical by providing counter pressure when picking up the porcelain with your brush. The glass surface is super smooth and a very eye-friendly neutral gray color, making it the perfect companion for productivity.
There are several base tray options to choose from, allowing all laboratory technicians to find what suits them best. The lay:art tropic and tropic pro provide a fine, continuous moistening ceramic tray with or without wells in a small or large layout. The lay:art natural trays appeal to the artistic and creative side of every ceramist, each piece uniquely crafted from semi-precious agate stone. The lay:art crystal is the classic glass tray redefined and will appeal to the more classically practical among us.
For those who prefer wells, the newly designed drop-shaped wells of the lay:art color tray are a wonderful design feature. They are sharp edged at the back for wiping your brush and tapered at the front for controlled pick-up of your stains.
lay:art Brushes
The lay:art style range of brushes offers an impressive choice in size and shape to cater to each ceramist’s technique and style.
The sizes refer to the amount of porcelain and water used for different working stages. “Slim” or “bold” refers to the amount of moisture released—slim releasing less moisture for more delicate build-ups; bold releasing more moisture for build-ups using larger portions. The Cone version is extra firm for shaping areas like the triangular ridges or mamelons. For micro build-ups on anterior IPS e.max Press restorations, for example, I like using 4 Slim, 4Cone, 2, and color (a delicately tipped brush with many uses).
Renfert researched the vast variety of individual requirements and offers 10 extraordinarily high quality lay:art Kolinsky style brushes. These Kolinsky brush hairs have undergone strict selection and processing to ensure the brushes’ stability, resilience, durability, and longevity. The brushes contain about 20% more hair than usual but have tips that are finer. This attention to detail in material selection, design, and manufacture takes these brushes a level above the rest.
Renfert’s range of products reflects and supports sophisticated working styles and fosters the artistic work within our technical and skilled profession.
Key Takeaways
› Stable, durable moistening strips in trays for even and consistent moistening of porcelain
› Tray edges gentle on brushes and completely abrasion free
› 10 brush sizes with different shape concepts to accommodate individual needs
› Brushes hold more or less moisture per size for use at different work stages
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Renfert USA