Join the Digital Denture Revolution
Come to historic downtown Baltimore, Maryland, on October 27-28 and join forward-thinking industry thought leaders and dental professionals from around the world at the Lord Baltimore Hotel for IDT’s International Digital Denture Symposium and exhibition.
As the newest digital frontier in dentistry, the field of digital dentures, from conventional and implant-supported to partials, is evolving so rapidly that innovation is outpacing education. The explosion of new players, new materials, and alternate digital workflows—as well as innovative 3D printing and milling solutions coming onto the market—makes it imperative that early adopters and new entrants alike keep pace. Where better than an event focused exclusively on exploring the latest digital denture innovations and learning from peers as well as clinicians and industry thought leaders on how you can tap into this new profit center? A day-and-a-half of lectures, workshops, interactive panel discussions, and manufacturer demonstrations promises to help you make an educated decision on the type of workflow and output solution that best suits your business model and the entry point that best fits your comfort level.
The early-bird price of $295 ends August 1 so take advantage and register now to earn 12 CE credits. Go to and sign up today to attend this one-of-a-kind event.