New AACD President Inaugurated
June 1, 2017
Volume 8
Issue 6
June 2017
Page(s): p. 8
The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry inaugurated its new president, Dwight G. Rickert, CDT, FAACD, at the organization’s annual scientific session on April 21, 2017. Rickert is a fourth-generation dental technician based in Indianapolis, Illinois, where he operates his boutique laboratory, Preferred Dental Ceramics. He joined the AACD in 2000, became an Accredited Member in 2006, and earned Accredited Fellow status—the AACD’s highest honor—in 2016.
The AACD is a 6,000-member group of dental professionals committed to advancing the art and science of cosmetic dentistry, encouraging the highest ethical standards, and providing responsible patient care.