An Efficient Mill with Exceptional Support
Inside Dental Technology delivers updates on digital workflows, materials, lab techniques, and innovation in dental technology through expert articles and videos.
By Brett Pittman
My father, Rudy, started Pittman Dental Laboratory in 1974. Since then, my brother Zach and I have joined him, and we now have approximately 130 employees at our full-service laboratory. We handle a lot of complex cases and use as much digital technology as possible, including milling and 3D printing.
Over the years, we have used several different milling machines and distributors. We are currently using 10 Roland mills—five DWX-51Ds and five DWX-52 DCs.
We purchased approximately half of those mills from 3DBioCAD earlier this year. While they offered a competitive price, we were most interested in their strong technical support. VP of Technical Development Charles Park and his team have a solid reputation in the industry.
The relationship has worked well for us. 3DBioCAD has helped significantly as we have learned to operate the mills to their full potential. We have definitely benefited from their experience.
Roland’s mills have been proven over the years to produce quality restorations. They are reliable, affordable, and easy to maintain. Most of the maintenance and repairs can be done in-house at a relatively low cost.
The DWX-51D improved our efficiency, and the DWX-52DC has taken it to another level. The disc changer helps us keep the mills running, so the people operating them can be more productive. The six O-Clamp material adapters can be loaded with different shades of zirconia or any combination of material discs to suit our laboratory’s needs. We can assign the milling jobs and let the automatic disc changer handle the rest.
3DBioCAD has helped us implement some extremely helpful milling strategies. We operate at peak efficiency now, and any time we have an issue that needs to be resolved, 3DBioCAD support logs in, troubleshoots, and gets the mills running the way we need them to run. Having access to someone with his skill set has been invaluable.
Support is the most important factor when purchasing CAD/CAM equipment. All mills will need maintenance or repairs at times, and very few laboratories can afford to have someone on staff to do that at a high level. Those that do not employ that type of expert need to be able to rely on a support provider such as 3DBioCAD when a higher level of understanding is necessary. Downtime is very harmful to the laboratory’s bottom line, so it is important to get as much out of these exceptional mills as possible.
With reliable, efficient mills and top-notch support, we have been able to optimize our workflow and thrive in a competitive market.
Key Takeaways
• Roland mills have displayed reliability and efficiency over the years, and the DWX-52DC is no different.
• The DWX-52DC’s disc changer helps us keep the mills running, so the people operating them can be more productive.
• 3DBioCAD has helped implement milling strategies to operate the mills at peak efficiency.
About the Author
Brett Pittman
Pittman Dental Laboratory
Gainesville, GA
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