1. No more casting process.Ceramill Sintron enables CNC-based dry milling of non-precious restorations using benchtop milling machines in the laboratory.
2. Clinically proven. Developed together with the Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden and validated by independent universities and accredited test laboratories.
3. Extremely safe application. The perfectly matched workflow results in unprecedented quality in terms of accuracy of fit, homogeneity, and reproducibility.
4. Best characteristics. Excellent strength values, bonding strength, and biocompatibility.
5. Convenient handling. Wax-like texture for minimum cutter wear and effortless milling in the dry mode.
Since its market launch in 2012, over 3 million units have been fabricated from Ceramill Sintron. More than 2,000 laboratories worldwide process CoCr in green condition-and the trend is growing. According to the data available from 5 years of market surveillance, Ceramill Sintron has proven itself to be an established and safe material.
Tensile Strength: 900 MPa
E-module: 200 GPa
Vickers Hardness: 270 HV 10
Amann Girrbach