Collaborating for a Simple Digital Denture Workflow
Jerry Kaizer, BS, CDT
Digitally manufactured complete dentures are the last frontier in dental technology. Denture teeth and denture base materials have steadily improved over the years, but the manufacturing process has remained static since the 1940s-until now. An assortment of companies are offering different digital denture manufacturing processes that include varying workflows, software, equipment, and materials, but how do you determine what best suits your needs?
Dentsply Sirona and AvaDent have come together to provide a practical digital denture solution. This unique partnership aligns Dentsply Sirona's time-tested and trusted materials with AvaDent's unmatched design expertise and intelligent, algorithm-based software. We are talking about years of material clinical success and an algorithm based on tens of thousands of real life cases!
The Dentsply Sirona/AvaDent collaborative workflow allows any laboratory to immediately produce a digital denture. You can either mill in-house or scan and outsource the entire process-the choice is yours. The best part about this workflow is that clinicians don't have to alter their current chairside procedures. Here is a high-level overview of the workflow:
Step 1: The clinician takes two final impressions and preliminary centric relations (alameter and papillameter). The laboratory then scans the impressions and occlusal records and writes a detailed prescription, which includes a try-in, and submits it through the Dentsply Sirona Dashboard to AvaDent.
Step 2: AvaDent sends the laboratory a digitally manufactured try-in, which the laboratory provides to the clinician. The try-in can be either bio-functional including monochromatic teeth or a Wagner try-in that includes a fully milled base with teeth set in wax that can be adjusted chairside.
The clinician evaluates the fit of the try-in and notes incisal length, lip support, and buccal corridor. If necessary, adjustments are made and the try-in is returned to the laboratory.
Step 3: If adjustments were made, the laboratory rescans the try-in and submits to AvaDent for a final prosthetic design.
Step 4: There are two options for this step. Option 1: AvaDent designs the case and sends a milling file to the laboratory for manufacturing on a supported 5-axis mill. The laboratory mills the denture out of a Lucitone 199 Denture Base disc and bonds Portrait IPN Denture Teeth to the base using Lucitone HIPA to create the final denture.
Option 2: AvaDent designs and man-ufactures the final prosthesis at its facility with either bonded Portrait IPN Denture Teeth or as a fully milled monolithic denture made with Lucitone 199 and IPN material.
Step 5: The case is returned to the clinician for final patient delivery and the digital file can be saved for future reference.
Digital dentures are here to stay. Esthetically pleasing, retentive, and easily reproducible, they are now fully accessible as the latest tool in the technician's ever-expanding armamentarium. The Dentsply Sirona/AvaDent partnership allows laboratories to immediately enter the digital market with premium esthetic results.
Key Takeaways
• Dentsply Sirona time-tested and trusted materials team up with AvaDent's sophisticated digital denture algorithms.
• Collaborative workflow allows any dental laboratory to immediately produce a successful digital denture.
• Digital denture workflow allows dentist to keep their current chairside procedures.
• Digital dentures include a digital file and are esthetically pleasing, retentive, and easily reproducible.
About the Author
Jerry Kaizer, BS, CDT
Murray Kaizer Dental Laboratory
Farmington, CT
Manufacturer Information
Dentsply Sirona Laboratory