Natural look. Zolid FX Multilayer has a continuous shade and translucency gradient. Tooth enamel, dentin, and cervical shades merge smoothly.
Accurate shade results. Every Zolid FX Multilayer blank covers two VITA tooth shades, which results in extremely cost-efficient esthetic results.
Strong beauty. Zolid FX Multilayer combines a high translucency, previously known only from lithium disilicate, with a flexural strength of up to 700 MPa.
Increased efficiency. Zolid FX Multilayer blocks enable efficient processing of different tooth shades overnight.
Easy handling. The simple processing procedure for milling, sintering, and glazing allows highly esthetic restorations with minimal reworking.
• Fully anatomical crowns and bridges (max. 3 units extending to the molar region)
• Anatomically reduced crown and bridge frameworks (max. 3 units extending to the molar region)
• Veneers, inlays, onlays
Amann Girrbach