Oftentimes great inspirations and solutions come from or are inspired by innovations outside an industry that are later adapted to fit that industry's needs. IDT identified these compelling companies as offering unique out-of-the-box solutions to some of our industry's technical and clinical challenges.
Neocis Yomi
Robotic-assisted implant surgery? Yes, it's here. The FDA-cleared Neocis Yomi® (neocis.com) robot-assisted surgery system is designed to help clinicians achieve proper dental implant placement, which critically affects the overall esthetics and viability of the implant-supported restoration. Using haptic guidance and multisensory feedback, Yomi precisely guides clinicians to achieve the right location, angulation, and depth for placing dental implants perfectly, with real-time visual feedback displayed on the surgical CT planning software.
3D Hybrid
Combining the strengths and advantages of subtractive and additive technologies in a single production cycle may be the future of automated production systems in the dental laboratory. Dental applications such as patient-specific metal abutments, which are among the most prescribed implant-supported prostheses, oftentimes suffer from milling limitations that hinder the ability to achieve ultimate results. 3D Hybrid Solutions (3dhybridsolutions.com) provides the ability to apply advanced metal additive manufacturing technology with CNC (milling) technology-operated functions for eliminating these limitations.
Bellus3D Face Camera Pro
Your clients can utilize this affordable, easy-to-use device to give you what's needed to deliver optimal restorative solutions. The ability to see the patient in virtual 3D can provide the necessary information you need to achieve esthetic and functional results. Bellus3D Face App and Face Camera Pro (bellus3d.com) captures over 250,000 3D data points on a face in 10 seconds. Immediately after scanning, the captured image is virtually reconstructed in 3D with lifelike detail that can be rotated, zoomed, and viewed from all angles and sent to the laboratory along with the prescription.