Take Control with Ivoclar Vivadent’s Digital Denture Materials
In the field of removable prosthetics, denture production is becoming completely digital. The success of this process starts with the materials. Take control of your digital denture workflow with SR Vivodent® CAD, IvoBase® CAD, and the IvoBase CAD Bond Kit from Ivoclar Vivadent. The 98.5-mm tooth-colored SR Vivodent CAD discs and gingiva-colored IvoBase CAD discs form the basis for this digital procedure. The IvoBase CAD Bond Kit coordinates with both discs as it is the self-curing polymerization system that creates a high-strength bond and offers monolithic integrity.
Ivoclar Vivadent Digital Denture Materials
The 20-mm SR Vivodent CAD double-cross linked resin disc demonstrates a highly esthetic appearance due to its fluorescence, translucency, and opacity.
The 30-mm IvoBase CAD PMMA disc is made to enhance fracture resistance and increase longevity.
The IvoBase CAD Bond Kit is a self-curing polymerization system in a universal pink color to match the IvoBase CAD denture.
Learn more about Ivoclar Vivadent's digital denture materials at insidedental
Ivoclar Vivadent
ivoclarvivadent.com | 800-533-6825