Learning New Tricks with Technology
By Jane Hyatt
Years ago, after a successful start, my laboratory business started to slow down when Essix retainers became popular. I thought that I could increase my business by just making Distal Jets and Herbst appliances, but soon realized that my laboratory wouldn't be viable anymore if I continued along that path.
Just about then, dental scanners came along. As of November 2017, all but one of my dental clients used scanners, and, as a result, I had lost a lot of my conventional work. While my daughter was out delivering cases one day, a client said, "If your mother had a printer, we would send her more work." That was my wake-up call! I realized that this old dog needed to learn new tricks. In addition, my daughter, who had recently graduated from college, needed a job. I put two and two together and started doing research on 3D printers.
After several weeks of researching various 3D printers and software packages, I decided that the printer that would work best for us was the Asiga Max. Early one morning, I decided to call a sales contact at Whip Mix. To my surprise, she answered right away, and she was the only manufacturer who followed up with me while I researched my options. This played a big role in my decision to purchase the Asiga 3D printer from them.
During the training process, the staff at Whip Mix stopped at nothing to help me and my daughter. While there was definitely a learning curve on my end, mine was the first orthodontics laboratory that Whip Mix supported, so we worked together to learn each other's needs and capabilities.
Whip Mix asked me to test their new white orthodontic resin called VeriModel OS White. I love it. It isn't as rigid, and when used for Essix-style retainers, it doesn't show the cut marks from removing the appliance. This is important because the dentist gives the model to the patient, so if they lose or break the appliance, another can be made using the same model.
What my dentists like about VeriModel OS White 3D printing resin is that it is very accurate, detailed, and smooth, and it has a beautiful white color. In fact, they have all complimented me about the models I print for them. I appreciate that I can rely on it for consistently beautiful and accurate orthodontic and presentation models.
Since I incorporated the Asiga 3D printer and the Verimodel OS White resin, my laboratory has grown in ways I never thought possible. In fact, we just purchased our second printer from Whip Mix. My daughter now works with me full time, so, happily, we are starting a new dental laboratory journey—together.
Key Takeaways
› VeriModel OS White 3D printing resin prints beautiful, smooth, and accurate white orthodontic models
› Made for both 385-nm and 405-nm printers, this resin is robust enough to be used with a laser-welder
› It also offers easier and faster post-processing
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions contained in the preceding material are not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dental Technology.
About the Author
Jane Hyatt
K & B Orthodontic Lab
Norwalk, Connecticut
Manufacturer Information
Whip Mix