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Zirconia continues to be one of the most popular indirect restorative materials in dentistry, with new variations being introduced constantly as manufacturers strive to provide dentists and laboratories with the ideal balance of strength and esthetics.
One of the most innovative new options is the new VITA YZ® Zirconia, a coordinated system of materials and components to help laboratories deliver restorations with the most accurate shade reproduction and highest level of esthetics. This new line of zirconia discs provides four translucency levels for all different types of cases. It is available in Translucent (T) or Highly Translucent (HT) for natural, individual, fully veneered substructures; Super Translucent (ST) for the fabrication of monolithic and partially veneered posterior tooth restorations; and Extra Translucent (XT) for the production of monolithic and partially veneered anterior tooth restorations. “Whatever the case you have, you can be sure the shade will match,” a VITA representative says.
The first porous VITA YZ Translucent zirconia was introduced in 2002. In retrospect, the VITA representative says, this first variant was still very opaque and was intended primarily as a framework for veneering.
“As the market moved to more translucent materials, we knew we needed to move that way as well,” the VITA representative says. “We wanted to give customers what they needed. Materials have become so translucent that they can now compete with glass ceramics. As zirconia increases in translucency, the flexural strength is significantly lower. This led VITA to develop multiple levels of translucency within our portfolio so that customers could choose the right balance of strength and translucency for their cases while experiencing accurate shades and high esthetics.”
In the development and adjustment of the physical/mechanical properties, VITA can rely on long-standing experience in the production of zirconia blanks through its brilliant process engineers. The longstanding knowledge and know-how of the R&D and engineering teams allows VITA to adjust the materials in the physical/mechanical properties in such a way that the customer does not need to change anything about the way they process the different YZ materials available.
“Our engineers strive to make our products easy for the customer,” the VITA representative says. “In other words, the machinability is the same for all four translucency levels of the zirconia materials. This allows the customer to process all materials identically with just one template. The color adjustment of zirconia is very complex and requires a lot of industry experience. Again, VITA has that, and we can rely on the knowledgeable experience of our development engineers. All this resulted in a product that is as convincing in its mechanical properties as it is in its color reproduction.”
VITA YZ SOLUTIONS allows for several types of restorations, but the company believes in more than just delivering all these types of restorations.
“We believe that the shade should be a perfect match, always,” the VITA representative says. “We made these materials so restorations can be created with accurate, reliable shade, including: fully anatomical crowns, up to 14-unit anterior and posterior bridges, fully and partially veneered single-tooth restorations, up to 14-unit bridge frameworks in the anterior and posterior region, single-tooth restorations, up to 14-unit bridges on directly screwed implant abutments in the anterior and posterior region and primary telescopes, as well as inlays, onlays, veneers, partial crowns, and table tops.”
Feedback from dentists and laboratories has been extremely positive.
“Since the market launch in 2002, customers have been reporting very good edge stability and excellent fit after sintering,” the VITA representative says. “For the new YZ zirconia discs (VITA YZ XT and VITA YZ ST), customers are delighted with the exceptional shade match for the VITA classical A1-D4 color scale.”
Of course, VITA has an inherent advantage based on the fact that its VITA Classical shade guide is used throughout the industry.
“VITA is the shade expert,” the VITA representative says. “As a result, we probably have the greatest experience in the industry in shade-matching for a wide range of materials. We have years of case studies and data we can rely on. This knowledge and experience has helped our development engineers to design these colors. We are really proud of the successful color adjustment of the VITA YZ materials. VITA continues to be a leading provider of innovative dental products, and the leader and pioneer in the field of tooth shade determination, helping laboratory technicians and clinicians deliver high quality and esthetic results to patients quickly and efficiently.”
Manufacturer Information
VITA North America