Unlimited Digital Denture Options in the Ceramill System
Inside Dental Technology delivers updates on digital workflows, materials, lab techniques, and innovation in dental technology through expert articles and videos.
By Richard Zimmerman, DDS
In FDS, the digital workflow begins with the laboratory technician scanning the patient data (models, wax rim, etc). Then, utilizing advanced software, the denture is fully designed and includes automatic adaptation of the denture teeth to the bases. The software also allows for the individualized positioning of teeth, providing the customization traditionally accomplished by hand but approximately 60% faster. Once completed, the basal surface of the teeth and corresponding wax denture base are milled. The teeth can then be placed into the wax base for patient try-in and adjustment, if needed. As with traditional workflows, this allows an additional level of safety/adjustment for tooth arrangement prior to final fabrication of the prosthesis.
The BDS workflow saves both the dentist and the laboratory technician time by using specialized "key sets" and prefabricated resin denture blanks. The key set combines functional impression, esthetic try-in, and bite registration, allowing the dentist to capture all of this information in one visit versus the multiple visits needed in traditional workflows. Once the key set is sent to the laboratory, the technician uses specialized software to design and fabricate the dentures. Since BDS blanks already include the denture teeth polymerized in them, the only milling needed is of the denture base, which saves time in both setting teeth in the software and bonding teeth into the base. The blanks are limited to lingualized occlusion, but have numerous options related to size, tooth shade, and esthetic quality of teeth.
While both systems have advantages over traditional workflows, the person who has the most to gain from these workflows is the patient. One of these advantages is the ability to have their denture easily remade if they lose their prosthesis. Lastly, having two different options available allows both the dentist and the technician the ability to provide more customizable treatment plans that are better suited to patients' needs.
› Full Denture System (FDS) allows customized placement of denture teeth that's 60% faster than when done by hand.
› With wax try-ins and patient adjustments built in, the FDS process allows an additional level of safety/adjustment for tooth arrangement prior to final.
› Baltic Denture System (BDS) uses information "key sets" to streamline workflow from impression to fabrication.
› BDS only requires milling of denture base.
Richard Zimmerman, DDS
Assistant Professor of Comprehensive Dentistry
University of Texas San Antonio School of Dentistry
San Antonio, TX
Amann Girrbach
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