CAD/CAM Product Showcase
Various degrees of automation are being integrated into the latest CAD/CAM scanners, mills, 3D printers, and other equipment on the market. Following is a snapshot of these technologies.
UltraCraft AWS
The HeyGears' UltraCraft AWS is the world's first 3D manufacturing system integrated with fully automated clear aligner production. It allows dental professionals to go from designed appliance to printed aligner within one step. The workstation solves the challenge of producing clear aligners by combining dental model printing and clear aligner thermoforming in one automated workflow.
CORiTEC 350i PRO robot
The high-end system CORiTEC 350i PRO robot for milling centers has been realized. All installed components are designed for precision, longevity, and the latest technological standards. Thanks to the robot, the production system enables independent milling and equipping with up to 84 dental blanks of various types. It is also possible to realize individual series production or the production of different subsections.
Optor Lab scanner
The Optor Lab scanner by FARO® is an integrated modular solution that pairs structured light 3D scanner hardware with advanced 3D scanning software. It is downloadable into the most common dentistry CAD solutions for seamless workflow. A range of options allows customers to choose packages that best meet their outcome needs for prostheses, impressions, and orthodontics.
Ceramill Matik
TAmann Girrbach
his fully integrated fabrication unit's automatic maintenance, cleaning, and changing of operating modes saves valuable time. All materials can be easily read into the system and matched to the intelligent holders. An electronically readable RFID chip in the holder allows all relevant material information to be read out at any time both inside and outside the machine.
CeraFab 7500 Dental
The CeraFab 7500 Dental has been developed specifically for dental applications and is able to manufacture various components including crowns, veneers, and implants. The simple data preparation and user-friendly machine controls facilitate intuitive and easy production, and the material-saving method of this new system means that any leftover material can be reused.