Kuraray Noritake porcelain and zirconia materials possess a rich history of ceramic development and manufacturing. This legacy is rooted in the Noritake Group, world-renowned for manufacturing tableware for over a century. Noritake is known for first-class ceramics in four distinct business segments: Tableware, Industrial Products, Ceramics and Materials, and Engineering/Environmental Engineering. The quality and unique performance of KATANA zirconia was forged by a never-ending quest for excellence, a broad range of research and development, and extensive ceramic knowledge. In 2013, Kuraray Noritake innovated the original "multi-layered" zirconia materials, and 2 years later, further innovated with high-translucent and high-esthetic materials. In 2019, a low-translucent zirconia was created to block out dark preparations and abutments.