Zirlux 16+ provides an alternative to glass ceramics with respect to light-optical characteristics, allowing laboratories to cover a much broader spectrum of indications, including, for example, long-span bridges or prosthetic implant components. Compared to other materials (eg, anterior zirconia), Zirlux 16+ offers superior light scattering and light absorption, as well as high translucency without any loss in the tensile strength of 1200 MPa. That is what makes it unique.
The specific crystal structure (mixed cubic-tetragonal microstructure) provides this considerably higher translucency. The volume of the cubic crystals is comparatively large, which is why light dispersion at the grain boundaries is reduced, resulting in increased translucency. In addition, the cubic crystal structures reflect light evenly in all directions, which also enhances translucency.
Furthermore, what is remarkable is that there are virtually no restrictions or limits with
Zirlux 16+ (within the scope of its approved indications). This means that any laboratory or dental technician can offer a wide range of options to reflect personal requirements for esthetic ceramic results and can adapt to meet the patient's budget and individual expectations.
The homogeneity and the optimal milling qualities of the material, in particular, ensure an absolutely smooth surface. This is why Zirlux 16+ becomes antagonist-friendly when integrated within the patient's mouth at high tensile strength.
With Zirlux 16+, laboratories can offer monolithic restorations in the critical palatal area without any esthetic deficits-thus combining secure substructure standards with esthetic expectations and fulfilling the prerequisites for long-lasting restorations.