Elegant Digital Designs with the Dynamic Abutment Solution
Lee Culp, CDT
Throughout the years, restorative trends and techniques have come and gone. Some material developments have transformed the face of esthetic dentistry, while other initial concepts have phased out and died. Yet the concept of digital dentistry is one that started out small and has progressively increased in momentum until its boundaries appear to have become endless.
As dentistry evolves into the digital world, the successful incorporation of computerization and new technology will continue to provide more efficient methods of communication and fabrication while at the same time retaining the individual creativity and artistry of the skilled dental technician, and the utilization of new technology will enhance the close cooperation and working relationship of the dentist/technician team.
Today's patients expect longevity, function, and esthetics from their implant-supported restorations. Dental implants are now well documented for fulfilling the functional requirements in prosthetic tooth replacement, and are one of the fastest growing and most profitable opportunities in the dental laboratory profession today. New digital technologies, along with the evolution of surgical and prosthetic techniques, allow the dental team predictable, consistent results in implant rehabilitation. When partnered with predictable implant technology, these advancements offer restorative dentists and technicians an expanding horizon of dental prosthetic options.
The esthetic outcome of an implant-supported restoration is dependent on the soft tissue contour and affected by the appropriate positioning of the implant. Sometimes the presenting anatomy of the anterior maxilla often does not permit an implant angulation that will allow a screw-retained restoration without the use of additional components. Often the remedy for this type of implant angulation is to provide an abutment designed to receive a cemented restoration. However, cemented restorations have disadvantages compared with screw-retained restorations, including the consequences of excess cement and lack of retrievability.
Our laboratory, Sculpture Studios, was very lucky to be chosen as one of the first dental laboratories to beta-test the Dynamic Abutment solution from Preat Corporation. As most of the restorative work that we do is implant based, the Dynamic Abutment system now allows us to provide functional/esthetic screw-retained implant solutions to our dentist clients.
The system is very simple to use, as it uploads directly into our digital abutment design software, and offers an elegant solution to implants that have been placed in a position that would be difficult to restore and achieve proper esthetics. In essence, this abutment system comprises a special titanium base abutment, screw, and driver that allow our digital design team the ability to change the direction of the screw access channel from 0° up to an extreme angle correction of 45°. The Preat Dynamic Abutment system is an essential part of our implant restorative solution, and solves most challenges that we could encounter in our implant digital design process.
Key Takeaways
› Dynamic Abutment solution facilitates restoring difficult implant cases while achieving proper esthetics.
› Base abutment, screw, and driver enable change of direction of screw access channel up to 45°.
› Solution uploads directly into digital abutment design software.
About the Author
Lee Culp, CDT
Sculpture Studios
Cary, NC
Company Information
Preat Corporation
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