Showcase of Denture Teeth and Implants
PhysioSelect TCR and BonSelect TCR
PhysioSelect anterior and BonSelect posterior teeth from CANDULOR are made of TwinCrossedResin, a modified polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) variant that meets the high requirements for plaque and abrasion resistance. A rejuvenated design was developed from proven, attractive molds to support a youthful appearance. •
CM LOC® Attachment System with Pekkton®
Cendres+Métaux's new CM LOC attachment system, featuring
Pekkton retention inserts, significantly improves the longevity of denture retention compared to the market-leading system, which uses nylon inserts. Its inserts are available in four retention levels, and when used with CM LOC's pink titanium housing, are compatible with Zest Locator abutments and others. The CM LOC Multi-Use Tool facilitates insert placement and removes inserts non-destructively. Available from anaxdent North America and Sterngold. •
Laboratories can now order the Zest Products for Neodent® CM Implants directly from Zest or a Zest distributor. Products include LOCATOR, the next-generation LOCATOR R-Tx Removable Attachment System, and the revolutionary LOCATOR F-Tx Fixed Attachment System. All systems include abutments for the Cone Morse platform used with the CM Implants. • 800-262-2310
REF-LINE denture teeth
REF-LINE premium denture teeth set a new bar for high-end denture teeth. These European-made teeth, available from Primotec USA, are formed from a new composite acrylic material that maximizes strength while also providing super esthetic qualities. The warm intensive cervical, light enamel color, and diverse surface structure make the teeth look extremely natural and lifelike. The incisal portion of the tooth consists of small irregularities and details similar to those of natural teeth. • 866-643-3129