Success Is a Journey
Inside Dental Technology delivers updates on digital workflows, materials, lab techniques, and innovation in dental technology through expert articles and videos.
Regardless of our profession, we all strive to achieve our goals and seek to attain the elusive concept we call success. In the cover story for this issue, Janene Mecca, the Managing Editor of IDT, addresses the issue of building and sustaining a strong and successful laboratory. She identifies three main features that such laboratories should exhibit in order to attract and maintain a staff of motivated and talented technicians: education; a sense of purpose for the workers, meaning that the laboratory would provide the opportunity for personal growth and a career there; and finally a comfortable and pleasant workspace. These features are indeed crucial for a successful business. As Joshua Polansky, MDC, BA, points out, few people are seeking only a paycheck at the end of the week. Rather, individuals desire a community in the workplace, hope for a bright career in their chosen field, and, ultimately, a certain level of success.
There is no one path to achieving success. Rather, success is the path that we are taking and the journey we are travelling. It is the personal choices, the motivation, the commitment to self-improvement, and the pride in our work that bring us joy in our professions. There will always be trials and tribulations along the way, but the true mark of success is the passion and drive that inspire us to always get back up and continue to strive to be the best versions of our professional selves.
Peter Pizzi, MDT, CDT