P pro Resins Help Laboratories Say Goodbye to Plaster and Hello to Productivity
Begin your journey to a plaster-free workflow with Straumann® CARES® P pro resins. Produce top-quality, validated dental products in-house. Surgical guides, clear aligners, models with removable dies and repositional analog sockets, gingiva masks, casts, and bite splints can be custom-created on demand. Design with CARES® Visual and coDiagnostiX® software to get the perfect fit with an esthetic and anatomically correct part. P pro resins offer you a way to increase productivity while freeing up time for you and your team.
Key Takeaways
• Utilize a fully validated workflow for
• P pro resins backed by Straumann®
• quality standards.
Produce high-quality, sterilizable surgical guides that are visually clear for proper guide seating.
Create customized dental models for orthodontic applications that are able to withstand the heat and pressure of a thermoforming process.
Straumann North America | straumann.us/3dprinting | 800-448-8168