P pro Resins Help Laboratories Say Goodbye to Plaster and Hello to Productivity
Inside Dental Technology delivers updates on digital workflows, materials, lab techniques, and innovation in dental technology through expert articles and videos.
Begin your journey to a plaster-free workflow with Straumann® CARES® P pro resins. Produce top-quality, validated dental products in-house. Surgical guides, clear aligners, models with removable dies and repositional analog sockets, gingiva masks, casts, and bite splints can be custom-created on demand. Design with CARES® Visual and coDiagnostiX® software to get the perfect fit with an esthetic and anatomically correct part. P pro resins offer you a way to increase productivity while freeing up time for you and your team.
Key Takeaways
• Utilize a fully validated workflow for
• P pro resins backed by Straumann®
• quality standards.
Produce high-quality, sterilizable surgical guides that are visually clear for proper guide seating.
Create customized dental models for orthodontic applications that are able to withstand the heat and pressure of a thermoforming process.
Straumann North America | straumann.us/3dprinting | 800-448-8168