Showcase of 3D Printers
1. Whip Mix
The VeriBuild LCD 3D Printer has features rarely seen in economically priced printers. Laboratories can now print extremely accurate models and surgical guides rapidly. This 47-µm, 405-nm, open-system printer prints in extremely high resolution.
2. 3D Systems
3D Systems' award-winning NextDent® 5100 combines high-speed Figure 4® 3D printing technology and the broadest portfolio of dental materials to address multiple indications with unparalleled accuracy, repeatability, productivity, and lower total cost of operation.
3. HeyGears
HeyGears' latest 3D printing solution, the UltraCraft A2D Ortho with HiVE (High Volume Enabler) module, produces 720 clear aligner models per day and allows for 24/7 automated mass production.
4. Carbon
Carbon offers highly reliable end-to-end dental laboratory solutions with its pioneering Digital Light Synthesis™ technology and M-Series 3D printers, which feature fast printing and exceptional accuracy (often ±50 µm).
5. Amann Girrbach
Fully integrated into the Ceramill System, the NextDent 5100 for Ceramill provides an intuitive high-speed 3D printing solution for laboratories, featuring time-saving technology with software integration and meticulous material validation.
6. Primotec
Primotec offers the FreeShape professional-grade 3D printer by Ackuretta. It is designed with digital dentistry in mind. It produces smooth, very accurate, high-resolution models and biocompatible prints on an open-material platform that serves a multitude of applications, including dentures and temporaries.
7. Straumann
Straumann® CARES® P series 3D printers redefine surgical efficiency by producing surgical guides, dental implant models, and gingiva guides with top-quality precision and speed.
8. Kulzer
Using DLP technology, the Cara Print 4.0can print most dental appliances in less than an hour. It can also create dentures in less than 2 hours with Kulzer's dima Print denture materials.