Whip Mix VeriBuild 3D Printer
August 1, 2020
Volume 11
Issue 7
August 2020
Page(s): p. 26
1. The laboratory or practice can print extremely precise models, accurate surgical guides, and more with slice thicknesses between 25 and 100 µm.
2. The VeriBuild is an open-source printer that is compatible with virtually any 405-nm print resin.
3. The more-than-adequate build area can accommodate up to four surgical guides or models.
4. Use the VeriBuild automatic supports, or add supports manually.
5. The VeriBuild uses advanced software, an advanced slicing algorithm, and Quick Build Preparation.
• Build Volume X, Y, Z: 118 mm x 66 mm x 140 mm
• Pixel Resolution: 47 µm
• Slice Thickness: 25 to 100 µm
• Technology: LCD
• LED Wavelength: 405 nm
About the Manufacturer