Here are some of the latest innovations about to hit the market. To find out more, visit the websites listed.
Whip Mix introduced the new PRO 4K large-format 3D printers from Asiga. The open-material printers for 385-nm resins feature custom-engineered optics for precision pixel placement, renowned Asiga reliability, and super-fast print mode for large batches of virtually all resins. The printers utilize Asiga's SPS™ Smart Positioning System Technology that ensures that the build platform is in the correct position when forming each layer, providing repeatable accuracy and production continuity.
Zolid Gen-X
Amann Girrbach has expanded the portfolio of Zolid Gen-X zirconias, thus further reducing the complexity of material selection. The highly translucent zirconia with a natural color gradient is now available in all heights and shades commonly in use on the market. Blanks are available in heights of 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 25 mm, eliminating all height limitations, and they also now cover the complete range of 16 A-D VITA shades and two Bleach shades.
The quality of DWS 3D printing materials is now available for everyone, as DWS has implemented OPENDWS e-commerce for a line of resins that can be used on 3D printers made by any manufacturer using SLA or DLP technologies. Four types of materials are available: Rigid, a high-resolution, nano-filled resin; Cast, a high-quality and -performance resin; Tough, a high-quality and -durability resin; and Clear, a versatile transparent material.