Lead the Industry, Not Feed
On Inside Dental Technology's 10-year anniversary, we also mark another milestone for our industry: the retirement of Founding Editor Pam Johnson. We owe Pam a big debt of gratitude for her contributions and impact on our industry.
When Pam and I first met 20 years ago, she gave me my introduction to the dental laboratory industry. Little did I know my good fortune, nor what a fantastic adventure was in store for the two of us at that time.
Pam's mantra was to always "lead the industry, not feed." As a consequence, she set very high standards for what to publish that would be the most helpful to readers. Pam had a built-in desire for knowledge and an understanding of the types of editorial content that would be the most on-point and relevant, showing our readers the way through the changing landscapes of our business. At trade shows, we would walk the front lines, reaching out to venerable mainstays of the business and new start-ups. She always wanted to learn what was new—what was the big picture. Pam always used her editorial compass to work a show and then shared what she learned with our team.
I often brought Pam with me on meetings with manufacturers. She was my secret weapon, and the conference rooms always seemed to fill up more when she was with me. Everyone, from newly minted product managers to corporate presidents, wanted to spend more time with Pam. They expected to walk away with some new nugget of information to share with their teams.
Pam enjoyed expanding her circle of business acquaintances and invited so many interesting and talented professionals to sit on a board, join a roundtable discussion, or author an article. No one's energy has been more contagious than Pam's, and I am always impressed with how she brings out the best in people. She is often the first to volunteer to help anyone in need—volunteering at a food bank or community garden, fostering a wayward animal, or hosting a fundraiser. The list of good deeds is very long. Her dedication and kindness has inspired me.
Pam is a big believer in collaboration: working together and playing off each other's strengths. She brought so many KOLs onto our team, mentoring some and learning from others, and always shared the knowledge.
Pam and I have spent many a night at trade shows in back booths crafting our next cocktail-napkin adventure. I have fond memories of our times together—from the Equus restaurant at the Castle Hotel & Spa in Tarrytown to the Dom cathedral in Cologne. Pam, you have changed my life for the better as a business partner, mentor, thrill-seeker, confidante, and true friend. I am so fortunate that I got to take this journey by your side.
Valerie Berger
Group Publisher,
Inside Brands
Co-Founder, IDT
Ten and a half years ago, I flew to Chicago to have an exploratory lunch meeting with Pam Johnson and Valerie Berger. Over the years, I had always looked forward to seeing Pam at industry events. In that lunch meeting, I recognized kindred spirits relevant to the important values and ethics critical to publishing compatibility. Pam's likability and inside track on the latest scoop was outmatched only by her professionalism, dedication, and never-ending attention to detail on her beloved IDT. The opportunity to know Pam as both an industry friend and a professional colleague has been truly rewarding for me personally, and all of us at AEGIS are grateful for the critical role she has played in the success of IDT. All the best, Pam.
Daniel Perkins
Chairman and Founder
AEGIS Communications
Pam was one of the first people I met when entering the dental industry. I remember that meeting in Chicago, being completely awestruck at her knowledge, eloquence, perspective, and grace. To this day, she continues to inspire so many of us to learn, think outside the box, become better authors, and become simply better versions of ourselves. I am so appreciative of everything she has done to raise the level of knowledge and information in the industry, and for the mentoring and guidance she has provided to so many.
Chris Brown, BSEE
IDT Editorial Advisory Board Member
Pam's influence on our industry is deeper and wider than many will ever understand. Pam not only delivered content at the journal, but she also advocated for us all to see positive change for our technicians, laboratories, and ultimately, the patients we serve. She has encouraged many of us to become authors and commit to share the ideas that have made us successful, just as her coaxing and guidance made IDT the industry standard for dental technology journals. Pam, it has been an absolute pleasure and inspiration to work with you.
Leon Hermanides, CDT
IDT Editorial Advisory Board Member
Thank you, Pam, for support and friendship from across the pond. Your immense network of "movers and shakers" and dental leaders is invaluable and keeps IDT at the forefront of dental laboratory influencers, not just in the US but around the world. Your depth of knowledge for our industry and natural ability to communicate and share the nuggets of information that you glean has been a key reason why your journals are so sought after.
Ian Taylor, Dip CDT RCS (Eng)
IDT Editorial Advisory Board Member
I first met Pam many years ago at a wine-tasting event at the DLANY Congress of Dental Technology in Tarrytown, New York. Each time I saw her thereafter, she always took the time to say hello, talk, joke, and comment on trends in our industry. Her commitment, passion, and dedication to the field of dental technology is unsurpassed. She is a true professional and a great person, and I am proud to know her.
Dennis Urban, CDT
IDT Editorial Advisory Board Member
While the dental laboratory industry had a couple really well-done and helpful periodicals, one an absolute anchor for the profession for many years, I credit Pam Johnson for giving us a true peer-reviewed option that offers highly technical articles and gives technicians the same level of authenticated confidence in the articles' content that our clinical counterparts have in theirs.
Thomas Wade, CDT
IDT Editorial Advisory Board Member
Pam has always been the epitome of a critical- and forward-thinking professional. When the first issue of IDT was published, I reached out to Pam to compliment the level, breadth, and value of the journal's content. Following her quick response back, our conversations have never ceased but rather grew into greater thought-provoking and engaging discussions. Since then, I have had the distinct pleasure and honor to work alongside Pam—an incredible journey, to say the least—and learn from her extraordinary, keen insights. I feel so incredibly fortunate to call Pam first and foremost a friend, and a great mentor who has left an indelible mark on my life and continues to do so. For that, I am immensely grateful.
Daniel Alter, MSc, MDT, CDT
Executive Editor, IDT
I have known Pam professionally for 20 years. In some respects, Pam and I should have been seen as competitors, given that we publish different magazines to serve the same market. I can honestly say I never felt that way for one second. Pam has always been a class act, a straight shooter who does her homework. I learned a lot from watching Pam and have the utmost respect for what she built and how she led. I had several occasions where I was able to just hang out with her, where we did not talk shop. She is one of the funniest and most personable people you will ever meet. Congratulations to Pam on her well-deserved retirement.
Bennett Napier, CAE
Chief Staff Executive, NADL
Many people in life have some form of influence on the people around them. Few have the ability to influence many, and even less have influenced an entire profession as Pam has. Character, determination, and passion. Thank you for all, Pam.
Peter Pizzi, MDT, CDT
Editor-in-Chief, IDT