ROE Dental Laboratory is a full-service modern laboratory that has partnered with the dental community since 1926. ROE prides itself on leading dental technology through CAD/CAM investment and highly skilled staff, and has fully integrated all areas of production in a digital process. Most fixed restorations are created with zirconia. Using Argen's zirconia allows ROE to provide top-quality, functional, and esthetic restorations indistinguishable from natural dentition. We are pleased to have Argen as a partner.
Why do you choose ArgenZ Zirconia?
Argen offers a fantastic variety of materials. From 1,400-MPa bridge material to 50% translucent anterior zirconia, Argen has the product mix for every application.
How do you choose between the various ArgenZ zirconias for your restoration?
Each patient has unique needs; we use a combination of Argen's products and choose the most esthetic option with the appropriate strength for the application.
What makes ArgenZ zirconia unique?
You can get quality materials from numerous providers. I believe Argen's service and support separates them in the marketplace.