Covering All Bases for Splints
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Minh Tran has been a dental laboratory technician for more than 15 years, and he is also the Founder/Creative Director of DentalTechTips, a website providing unbiased product reviews, tips, tricks, tutorials, and more. His experience on the cutting edge made him IDT's choice to test Keystone Industries' new KeySplint Hard® resin.
Tran had already been using KeySplint Soft® for approximately 90% of his splints, and he says the introduction of KeySplint Hard completes the portfolio by providing an alternative for more serious cases of occlusal management. "In terms of managing bruxism," Tran says, "a hard splint is the gold standard." KeySplint Hard's physical properties are what impress Tran the most. "The three things that really stand out to me about KeySplint Hard are its excellent wear characteristics: Abrasian resistance, elongation of break, and long-term survivability," he says. Unlike some 3D printed products, KeySplint Hard splints are not rigid. "You really have a durable, strong, but resilient material," Tran says. The material is easy to polish as well. "It is very similar to polishing any other kind of regular, hard acrylic splint," Tran says.
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