Unbeatable Performance at the Highest Temperatures
› Developed and manufactured entirely in Germany, the VITA ZYCROMAT® 6100 MS delivers the quality and reliability that you have come to expect from VITA. This sintering furnace is the sintering unit for all central ceramic zirconia framework materials and is capable of sintering up to 80 units on two levels, with a high-speed sintering in 80 minutes! Unbeatable performance at the highest temperatures. Pair your furnace with the VITA vPad excellence, the control unit that offers a convenient and exclusive intuitive "one-touch" operation for controlling up to four firing units.
VITA North America
vitanorthamerica.com | 800-828-3839
} Homogenous distribution of heat inside the sintering chamber
} Fully automatic calibration with guaranteed temperature accuracy (VITA Autoadjust)
} An extended service life and long-term energy-saving operation (VITA Energy Efficiency)
PartialCAD 3.0 Galway
exocad announced the release of PartialCAD 3.0 Galway, its module for removable partial denture frameworks, with new and advanced features for the design of high-quality partial dentures. This new release enhances digital CAD/CAM possibilities for exocad users and dental technicians by providing simpler design solutions for complex cases.
New ZirCAD Shades
Versatile and popular, the IPS e.max® ZirCAD® LT discs are now available in an extended portfolio that includes nine new shades. The high-strength zirconium oxide material is suitable for single-tooth restorations and long-span bridges. The discs are available in the following nine additional shades: A3.5, A4, B3, B4, C1, C3, C4, D3, and D4. The new shades are available in three thicknesses: 14 mm, 18 mm, and 25 mm.