Accurate, Open-Source Printers with Premium Support
When I joined my mother's orthodontic laboratory 4 years ago, we were at a crossroads; in order to survive, we needed to implement digital technology and workflows. We decided to purchase a 3D printer, with accuracy being a priority within our budget. We purchased the Asiga MAX through Whip Mix, and we have been thrilled with the results. Our laboratory has grown exponentially, and we now own five Asiga printers, including two Asiga PRO 4Ks.
Why did you purchase through Whip Mix?
Whip Mix has a great reputation, and they have lived up to it. They are knowledgeable, responsive, and patient.
What benefits do Asiga printers offer besides accuracy?
They are open source, which is important because it allows us to try different resins and use the best ones.
How much maintenance is required?
Not much. We run these printers almost 24/7, and they can handle it with not much more than regular calibration.