Premium Products for Analog Removables
I first began using the premium Mondial tooth line about 7 years ago for all of my removable cases. As the landscape of the industry changed, so did we. We began to specialize in implant restorations, one of them being the All-on-X procedure. Mondial teeth are the perfect balance of function, esthetics, and cost for complicated cases, and are especially well suited for implants. After great success with that, I expanded to the midclass Delara tooth line for all analog removable cases; it has the appearance of a premium tooth for a fraction of the cost. The Pala tooth lines gave me confidence to explore other Pala products that I now incorporate within my analog workflows.
What benefits have you found with Pala Lab Putty?
I use Pala Lab Putty 90 for all my matrices for denture repairs, denture processing, All-on-X conversions, and more.
Is the extra characterization step worth it?
Patients want to be confident in their smile; having a characterized denture base with Pala Creactive gives them that confidence.
Why Pala Polish?
This is one of my favorite products due to its versatility. It provides an amazing polish/shine on almost any surface-acrylics, 3D printed nightguards, and even metal.