Revolutionizing Prosthodontics With Digital Materials and Digital Technology
Despite the advantages of additive manufacturing of polymer prosthodontics, disadvantages remain, including errors that occur when joining the separate pink-base with teeth, and challenges associated with ordinary material properties. Stratasys invites LMT Lab Day 2023 attendees to explore a research-based and real-world laboratory comparison of additive technologies and digital polymers. Stratasys’ unique J5-Dentajet printing produces one-piece monolithic dentures or hybrid implant prostheses with unparalleled esthetics from internal 3D color/shading of teeth/base.
Stratasys’ LMT Lab Day seminar, “Revolutionizing Prosthodontics With Digital Materials and Digital Technology,” will be led by Robert Kreyer, CDT, Director of Removable Prosthodontic Platforms at MicroDental Laboratories, and John A. Sorensen, DMD, PhD, FACP, a professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Washington. Seminar participants will learn about the difference between SLA, FDM, DLP, DLS, and PolyJet printing, how PolyJet printing has created the first monolithic polychromatic denture, and how the Stratasys TrueDent workflow creates monolithic, fully characterized, complete 3D dentures and hybrid implant-supported fixed prostheses. In addition, participants will learn how PolyJet printing produces greater accuracy through reduced polymerization shrinkage, simultaneous support, and printing layers of approximately 20-mm thickness.
The “Revolutionizing Prosthodontics With Digital Materials and Digital Technology” seminar will be offered on February 25, 2023, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Michigan 2 room, East Tower, Concourse (Bronze) Level of the Hyatt Regency Chicago.