Denture Teeth for the Highest Standards of Occlusion
Josef Kolbeck, CDT
These days, I spend 40% of my time in the laboratory and 60% hosting workshops around the US and internationally. There is such a critical need for education around the profession that I feel an obligation to contribute, especially because so many laboratories are now using the Occlusal Measurement Plane (OMP) tool that I developed.
When I am in my own laboratory, my work is focused on hybrid removable dentures for prosthodontists. My forte is occlusion, and occlusal schemes are so important for hybrids in order to avoid case failures. I am always aiming to do high-end work because a denture is a prosthetic; it is an amazing part of the body, and it needs to be as good or better than the natural dentition. I have high expectations for myself, and the dentist and patient have high expectations for me as well.
In order to replicate nature, I need to work in close collaboration with the dentist, follow the patient's anatomy, and use the most up-to-date tools and materials. One of the materials I use most often is Delara denture teeth from Kulzer. The anatomy, texture, and ease of setup on an occlusal plane are all important benefits. The occlusal surfaces and the measurements provide everything a technician needs to deliver a higher-quality product both functionally and esthetically.
Delara fits nicely in Kulzer's overall line of denture teeth, along with Mondial and Artic. If you want to achieve bilateral balanced occlusion, Delara is best. If you want lingualized occlusion for hybrids, Mondial is ideal. For conversion cases—economy dentures that eventually will be converted on a fixed removable case—Artic is a great option.
Beyond the specific benefits of these products, partnering with a company like Kulzer is very, very important. I want to use products that are reliable and will always be available. Discontinued products really hurt our industry, and I have never heard of that with Kulzer. They develop the best every time. They do not release products that may not last on the market. Their products improve not only the work of the technician and dentist but also the life of the patient. Using very solid denture teeth from Kulzer really provides the peace of mind that I will be able to deliver high-end work every time. When the patient is expecting the best of the best, you need to use the best products available. Kulzer provides those.
Key Takeaways
• Easy handling for predictable results
• The polishing buffer, basal grinding reserve, and optimized incisal edge simplify the setup process
• Flexibility: Full range of shades, process-optimized and anatomical forms, excellent functionality, and beauty for all indications and setup options
About the Author
Josef Kolbeck, CDT
Kolbeck Dental
Sarasota, FL
Manufacturer Information
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