What is the one tip you would offer any laboratory?
Embrace technology, but never overlook the power of masterful craftsmanship. Invest in cutting-edge equipment and software to enhance efficiency, precision, and productivity, while preserving the irreplaceable artistry and expertise of your skilled technicians. Balance innovation with the timeless value of their high-end skills.
Manabu Suzuki • Director of Dental Division • Kuraray America, Inc.
What tips do you have for a laboratory looking to digitize or upgrade its technology?
Additive manufacturing is the now and the future of our industry. As dental laboratories continue to build their digital workflows, it is critical for them to know how to implement new processes to maximize the return on their investment. Having in-person and virtual training opportunities that teach the various steps to do this will help laboratories with their adoption.
Andrew Kissin • Director of Marketing • Zahn Dental
What habits would you recommend to any ambitious business leader?
I recommend prioritizing habits of focus and embracing lean management principles. Stay committed to key objectives, eliminate non-essential tasks, and continually seek efficiencies and waste reduction to achieve sustainable success in your endeavors.
Marc Berendes • CEO • Kulzer
What trends do you believe will have the most impact on the dental laboratory profession over the next 5 to 10 years?
3D printing will continue to revolutionize dental laboratories. This technology enables the production of highly accurate dental equipment, enhancing both patient care and comfort. Digital technologies will streamline the development of new, innovative dental products.
What advice would you give to a laboratory looking to grow its business?
Laboratories aiming to grow should assess their core business before selecting a printer. They should ask themselves what they want to achieve, enabling them to choose the right unit that aligns with their growth strategy and business needs.
Derek Keene • Vice President of Sales, North America - Dental • Keystone Industries
What tips do you have for a laboratory looking to digitize or upgrade its technology?
I recommend investing in reliable, proven products/workflows, and, most imperative, offering adequate training to staff.
What trends do you believe will have the most impact on the dental laboratory profession over the next 5 to 10 years?
Digital dentistry and 3D printing will revolutionize our industry and will significantly impact most workflows in the dental world. We must remain diligent in our commitments to quality and patient-centric care, and prioritize the collaboration between the dentist and technician to succeed in this evolution.
Patrick Bayer • VP of Sales and Marketing • VITA North America
What type of planning is essential to long-term business success in the laboratory?
Create a 5-year vision for your laboratory and ensure you consistently communicate it throughout your organization. The dental laboratory industry will be bright for those willing to create a clear vision focusing on the customer, investing in infrastructure, partnering with suppliers, and building a great team.
Anton Woolf • CEO • The Argen Corporation
What tips do you have for a laboratory looking to digitize or upgrade its technology?
Identify your laboratory's needs. Consider these production factors: type of restoration, volume, turnaround time, and the skills of your team. Match your needs to the most interoperable system available for your budget. Finally, invest in continual system and product training.
Kevin Arakelyan • CEO • Upcera Dental America
What advice would you give to a laboratory looking to grow its business?
Outsourcing certain tasks will free up technicians to focus on non-outsourceable steps, boosting production and revenue. It also eliminates the need for certain equipment or expertise, providing growth opportunities. Consider these "off-site departments" to increase the laboratories' production and revenue-generating opportunities.
Scott Mappin • CEO • Strategy Gold Milling, LLC
What tips do you have for a laboratory looking to digitize or upgrade its technology?
Make sure the technology does not disrupt the service you provide to your dentists. They are with you because of your consistency, and they like working with you; do not let the technology change that. Plan out the transition, the details, and especially the potential problems and the solutions to those problems if they happen. Only implement once you are comfortable with it.
What is the one tip you would offer any laboratory?
Never forget that you are in the service business, not the product business. Yes, we make products that are delivered to the dentist, but ultimately, they stay with you because of the level of service they are given. Being easy to work with and helping them when they really need it are what keeps them coming back. If you ask a dentist what is the most important thing in a dental laboratory, they will say quality. However, if you ask them why they left their last dental laboratory, they will always cite poor service.
Chuck Stapleton • Vice President and General Manager for Dental • 3D Systems Corporation
What tips do you have for a laboratory looking to digitize or upgrade its technology?
Do not be afraid to ask questions, but ultimately, do not be afraid to jump into new technology.
Saro Hatzakortzian • CEO • Alien Milling Technologies
What advice would you give to a laboratory looking to grow its business?
First, understand who you are and ensure that the products and services you deliver are consistent with your identity. Almost no one can be all things to all people; you must choose. Second, relentlessly manage your costs. Spending more on what matters most while diligently driving down costs in other areas is important for all businesses. Third, hire the best people you can afford and incentivize them to perform at the highest level. Allow them to participate in the business in a way that provides them with a feeling of ownership, accomplishment, and value. For any business, the people you attract and retain are THE keys to your success. Fourth, identify customers who find value in your offering. Not all customers will. Treat those who do like gold, and work to surpass their expectations-every day. This is not easy, and we often fail. Thankfully, many customers provide us with opportunities for redemption. These are gifts; do not let these opportunities pass. Lastly, be willing to take reasonable risks. An old proverb states, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Do not be afraid to try and fail. Every one of your efforts and experiences presents a chance to learn.
Christopher Holden • President, North America • Ivoclar
What tips do you have for a laboratory looking to digitize or upgrade its technology?
Look for open hardware systems and software that allow you to mix and match with ease. Keep an open mind and educate yourself with online webinars. Go to dental shows and speak with many different providers.
What is the one tip you would offer any laboratory?
This is the time to go digital. The tools are there. The education is there. The entire industry is heading in this direction. Take the leap and you will never look back because of the improvement in your results and productivity.
Larry Bodony • President • exocad America
What tips do you have for a laboratory looking to digitize or upgrade its technology?
Embrace digital workflows, adopt CAD/CAM technology, and invest in high-quality dental milling machines to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in the laboratory. Choose an open CAD/CAM solution for maximum compatibility, independence, and investment security.
Christoph Roeer • CEO • vhf Inc.