As the new year begins, many of us try to predict what our dental profession has in store for us. One thing for certain is that similar to the past year, technology will continue to advance, resulting in more manual and digital changes. With these changes, the cost of our products continues to increase, while some become obsolete and discontinued. This presents challenges for our profession, mostly for technicians, in terms of both our restorative process and the cost of our final product. As the digital evolution advances, bringing in more digital alternatives aimed at achieving a more functional and more esthetic result, we are also faced with more challenges.
Despite these computer-aided design advancements, I continue to advocate for the importance of education and a fuller understanding of both old and new processes, to support our ability to communicate the material options and functional/esthetic needs of our patients. This must remain the strength of our technician base. As we ring in the new year, I hope that along with technological advancements, our profession continues to work toward improvements that will provide the best restorative options to meet the needs of our patients. During lectures, I continue to reference the same analogy, "If this case was being done on your mother, father, sister, or brother, would you choose the same restorative option?" We as health care providers must seek the best results for our patients despite the influence of speed and cost. This must remain our priority.
With this in mind, let us continue to evolve and advance our education with the knowledge that the longevity of our profession and our true survival depends upon our ability to help the patients that we treat.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2025.
Peter Pizzi, MDT, CDT