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- Laboratories need to analyze which indications you would like to offer and what materials you need for these indications.
- Specialized milling machines are targeted at laboratories with a focus on specific materials or indications.
- It is becoming more crucial for laboratories to extend their digital workflows to complex restorations such as full-arch implant cases or full dentures.
If you are considering expanding the equipment in your laboratory, and you take a look at the many different kinds of dental milling machines on the market, you will find yourself in the middle of the "dental jungle" of the 21st century.
It is no wonder if you are still unsure what kind of mill your laboratory really needs to be successful on a long-term basis. Fortunately, answering only two fundamental questions will bring you a big step closer to the right solution for your business.
This sounds easy, but we want to make it even easier for you. The "decision maker" offered in this eBook supports you in determining how to equip your lab to build up a future-proof business according to your individual requirements.
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