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- The most important starting point to achieve the highest quality restoration is the right choice of zirconia.
- The optimal zirconia is determined by many different factors, including esthetic requirements and the size of the restoration.
- With a product and processing concept, the complexity of the natural tooth can be recreated efficiently and in a systematic process.
Shape, color, position, surface topography—the human tooth is as individual as the human itself. It is important to be able to choose from a zirconia portfolio that responds to a wide range of needs and esthetic requirements.
The most important starting point to achieve the highest quality restoration is the right choice of zirconia. This eBook explores zirconia options in detail for esthetics, strength, and other critical values. In addition, it focuses on a processing concept to simplify and optimize all work steps after milling to achieve unmistakable uniqueness and individuality in the restoration.
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