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- Consistency and reliability are critical considerations when selecting from today’s esthetic zirconia options.
- Today’s 3D printable denture materials are reaching new levels of esthetics and strength.
- New 3D printable materials make it possible to print not only soft but also hard splints with high quality.
- The right 3D printer can allow a laboratory to use extremely efficient workflows for a wider variety of applications.
In Season 3 of IDT’s Product Talk, Editor-in-Chief Peter Pizzi, MDT, CDT, interviews four leading dental professionals about cutting-edge products that have helped their business. Steven Pigliacelli, MDT, CDT, and Justin Hayes discuss their experience testing Besmile’s Aconia; BJ Kowalski explains the impact Dentsply Sirona’s Lucitone Digital Print has made on his laboratory; Minh Tran describes his experience testing Keystone Industries’ KeySplint Hard; and Cody Iverson, CDT, talks about the benefits of Kulzer’s cara Print 4.0.
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