Featured Content
- Esthetic, versatile products remain critical in fabricating complete dentures even as more focus turns to efficiency with digital processes.
- Automation in milling processes can help a laboratory maximize throughput while focusing its human expertise on more in-depth tasks.
- Using products that are closest to nature is still an important goal for laboratories.
In Season 4 of IDT’s Product Talk, Editor-in-Chief Peter Pizzi, MDT, CDT, interviews three leading dental professionals about cutting-edge products that have helped their businesses. David Jackson, CDT, discusses Kulzer's Mondial denture teeth, Modern Materials Wax, and Analog Denture Workflow Program; Alexander Wünsche, CDT, talks about Amann Girrbach's Ceramill Matik and Ceramill Zolid; and Josef Kolbeck, CDT, describes the benefits of Kulzer's Mondial, Artic, Delara denture teeth; Modern Materials Wax; Pala Polish; and Pala Lab Putty.
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