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- An advanced thermoplastic with unique chemical properties results in a partial denture that is resistant to the development of stains, bacteria, and odors.
- Because thermoplastic material is flexible and clear, it offers increased patient comfort and esthetics, taking on the color of the surrounding teeth or tissue.
- In addition to partial denture frameworks, indications include occlusal splints and night guards.
In this eBook, Kris Schermerhorn, CDT, demonstrates using an advanced thermoplastic to manufacture removable partial dentures (RPD).
This material is now available in a millable disc, which integrates seamlessly into a digital workflow. Whether you’re a removable laboratory interested in going digital or a digital laboratory interested in adding a removable department, an advanced thermoplastic will represent a new opportunity for you to become more efficient, expand your product offering, and deliver a cutting-edge product that doctors and patients will appreciate.
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